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The Best Plants For Your Bedroom To Help You Sleep

Best plants for bedroom

Sleep. It can be the most refreshing rest you’ve ever had, or it can be a tossing, turning, can’t-get-to-sleep-at-all night. So, what do you do? On nights when sleep is elusive, you've probably tried everything.

Warm milk, warm room, cold room, cool pillow, firmer mattress, softer mattress, comfortable bed sheets, calming music, over the counter sleep aids, natural sleep aids, counting sheep … well, you get the idea.

If you’ve exhausted other options, why not try something new? Did you know there are plants for the bedroom that can help you sleep better?

How can plants help you sleep better?

Sleep is vital to your general well-being and quality of life.

One of the key ingredients in being able to get better sleep is the ability to relax and let go of stress. Did you know it’s been proven that there are actually plants that help you sleep?

Small bedroom plants can brighten up your bedroom or sleeping space, making it a lush oasis that welcomes you. Using a few well-placed plants or bedroom flowers, you can select greenery to create a space where you can relax and unwind.

Let’s look at some benefits of using plants in the bedroom.

Oxygen Plants for Bedroom

One of the main benefits of using plants in the bedroom is their ability to clean the air. You might call bedroom plants natural air purifiers. Air purifying plants for the bedroom have the ability to take in carbon dioxide from the environment and produce oxygen, which is key to improving air quality.

Some of the best air purifying plants for the bedroom include Spider Plants, Golden Pothos, Peace Lilies, and Snake Plants.

Bedroom Plants Improve your Health

Some of the best indoor plants for your bedroom are also great for keeping you physically healthy. Almost all plants produce some form of cleansing power besides being natural air purifiers.

Plants produce oxygen and help to eliminate volatile organic compounds (VOCs), such as formaldehyde and benzene, from the air. Chemicals such as these can cause headaches and brain fog.

Long ago, medical professionals discovered that plants have the ability to actually help heal patients when placed in hospital rooms.

Bedroom plants can also reduce airborne dust levels and increase humidity in the air. This is great news to help those suffering from itchy eyes, coughing, and fatigue. The Eucalyptus plant is wonderful for helping to promote a healthy respiratory system and for inducing sleep.

best plants to improve health

Plants that Induce Sleep

Many plants are found to have compounds that have health-promoting qualities, including anti-insomnia benefits. These plants, for example Eucalyptus, smell amazingly vibrant.

Eucalyptus is also a lovely plant, especially when flowering, and a beautiful bedroom plant addition. Other bedroom plants that induce sleep are Peace Lily and Lavender.

Bedroom Plants Reduce Mental Stress

Indoor plants in the bedroom can also help to reduce mental stress. Research has found that being surrounded by greenery is really good for you. Bringing a touch of green indoors makes almost everyone feel more positive.

Even people who don’t consider themselves garden enthusiasts, can’t help but brighten up at the beauty of flowers or plants.

Stress is one of the main culprits that keep you from getting a good night’s sleep. Using indoor plants for the bedroom is one way to ease stress and take away those feelings of anxiety that keep you awake.

Gardening and nurturing house plants for the bedroom is a natural form of therapy. Watching your plants grow can be rewarding and relaxing. One way to alleviate insomnia is to work on your indoor plant garden before bed.

Bedroom Plants to Reduce Noise

Have you ever tried to sleep somewhere that was too noisy? It doesn’t make for a relaxing night’s sleep. Did you know having house plants in the bedroom can actually reduce the level of background noise?

Indoor plants can absorb and diffract the noise coming from outside a home or apartment. Studies have shown that some plants can reduce ambient noise by as much as five decibels. Less noise will equal more sleep or better quality sleep.

Most plants recommended for the bedroom don’t require a lot of upkeep, but there are different conditions needed to help each type thrive. While some need to be placed near a window, others can grow in low light conditions. For the best results when growing plants in the bedroom, follow the plant’s list of care instructions carefully.

Best Plants to Have in Your Bedroom

Peace Lily

This lovely plant makes the list in any line-up of best houseplants for the bedroom. NASA even gave this plant their highest rating for removing indoor pollutants. A single Peace Lily can filter out harmful pollutants such as benzene and formaldehyde toxins.

Allergy sufferers and those who complain of irritation caused by dry noses and throats (keeping you awake at night) will love the Peace Lily. Moisture given off by this lovely flowering plant can boost a room’s humidity by up to 5%.

A nice shady position and a weekly watering make this one of the best air purifying plants for the bedroom. The tall green leaves surround a lovely white flower - a vibrant plant for any bedroom.


bedroom plantsSweet-scented with a lovely appearance, lavender is a popular bedroom plant that can be used to create a relaxing environment. It's often used to induce better sleep. Studies have shown that the aromatherapy qualities of the lavender plant help people relax during the day and fall asleep quickly at night.

Another study proved that people who smell lavender before going to bed experience deeper sleep and wake up with more energy.

Research shows lavender can reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure and reduce levels of stress; the perfect environment for a deep level of sleep. If there is only room for one plant on your nightstand, lavender is one of the best plants to grow in the bedroom. Its lovely purple flowers are a way to brighten any corner of the room.


Chamomile is an herbal plant most commonly used to make tea. It's a daisy-like plant with white flowers on long stems. There are two common types of chamomile - Roman and German.

If you plan to grow this sleep-inducing plant in your bedroom, it's best to grow the Roman Chamomile which is small enough to be a bedroom plant. If kept close to the bed, it releases a fresh and relaxing aroma all night.

Chamomile tea has been used to induce sleep for many years. You can grow your own chamomile tea by using the blooms on your plant. It’s fairly easy to grow in a cool environment with indirect sunlight but needs to be watered regularly.


Gardenias are a fragrant, floral remedy for insomnia. One study found that gardenia flowers are a great natural alternative to sleeping pills such as Valium! They have a similar sleep-inducing quality.

Gardenia flowers emit a fresh scent proven to reduce stress and induce sleep. You’re also less likely to wake up after drifting off to sleep and more likely to have a restful sleep with gardenia flowers.

Bedroom gardenias should be kept in a bright room, not in direct sunlight. It can be a bit of a challenge to maintain the glossy, green leaves and delicate flowers, but well worth the effort for a healthier alternative to restful sleep.

House Plants for Bedrooms

Aloe Vera

This cactus type look-alike is often used to relieve sunburns, cuts or insect bites. The gel from the plant is a versatile household must-have and it also helps induce sleep. It’s another of NASA’s top air-purifying plants.

The aloe vera plant releases oxygen at night which purifies the air and helps us breathe easier as we sleep, which in turn gives a more restful slumber.

Aloe Vera is one of the easiest bedroom plants to grow and maintain. It doesn't require special care and can go a while without water. It does need to be kept hear a sunny window as it needs direct sunlight.

The Egyptians called the aloe vera the “plant of immortality” because it reproduces prolifically! This makes it easy to share with family and friends - give them the gift of great sleep too.

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is another fantastic houseplant for the bedroom. Just like Aloe Vera, it is a very hardy and easy to care for a plant. It’s also another of NASA's clean air study winners.

The Snake Plant, also known as Mother-in-Law's Tongue, emits oxygen at night while taking in carbon dioxide - which we naturally produce when we sleep. Purer air quality leads to a better night's sleep.

Another benefit of Snake Plant is the ability to filter common household toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the bedroom air.

The Snake Plant is tall with stiff green leaves trimmed in yellow. They are large plants and can fill an empty corner with a touch of greenery. It's an ideal plant to grow in the bedroom. Easy to maintain, it just requires indirect sunlight and sparse watering.

Golden Pothos

Looking for a low-maintenance bedroom plant idea? Look no further than the Golden Pothos. This is another of the best air purifying plants for the bedroom according to NASA. This unobtrusive ivy-like vine removes carbon dioxide from the air as well as harmful toxins.

Its beautiful, trailing leaves make a great hanging plant. The leaves can be mildly toxic to children or pets, so hanging it up keeps everyone safe. Your sleep quality will be improved and you don’t have to worry about a lot of maintenance; It only requires a few hours of morning sunlight and water once a week.

Spider Plant

The Spider Plant is aptly named with long, spidery leaves. It’s also a champion air purifier and one of the best indoor plants for the bedroom.

A test done by NASA showed that the humble Spider Plant can remove up to 90% of formaldehyde - a potentially cancer-causing chemical - from the air. Since most common household products have formaldehyde, this is no small job!

Cleansing the air, absorbing fumes and odors, and sustaining oxygen levels in the bedroom, the spider plant does its job to promote better sleep conditions. It's low maintenance but plant powerhouse.

Spider plants do well with well-drained soil and bright, indirect light. They’re perfect for busy people because they don’t need a lot of attention.


Getting a good night’s sleep can often be a challenge. Our lives are filled with stress, anxiety and a number of reasons why sleep eludes us. Using plants in the bedroom can produce a calming effect that leads to more restful sleep.

If you’ve been unsuccessful in your battle against insomnia, you may want to try adding the previously recommended plants to your bedroom.

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