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Get Better Sleep With This Pre-Slumber Plan

Get Better Sleep With This Pre-Slumber Plan

Ever have trouble getting a good night’s sleep? You're not alone. Unfortunately, simply following the usual rules to improving sleep (such as not drinking, eating or exercising too close to bedtime) isn't enough to do the trick. The good news is that bedtime routines can help alleviate anxiety and create a peaceful slumber experience that will help you maximize your sleep benefits. Follow these steps for better rest.


Pre-Bedtime Alarm
They say that waking up is hard to do. For many, so is getting to bed. Use the same tools to your advantage.


Set your alarm for when you plan to begin your bedtime routine. You might even want to set it for one hour prior to your desired bedtime. The key is to make it part of your schedule like an appointment. This will help ensure you complete the routine regularly and effectively.


Prepare For The Next Day
Write a to-do list for the next day so you aren’t busy creating one in your head while you lie awake in bed.


Get your clothes out and ready to go for the next morning, make your lunch, pack your bag or briefcase and envision how tomorrow will go positively. It’s important that this be the last time you fret over work or school for the rest of the night, unless you plan to write about it in your journal.


Writing in a journal can be a cathartic experience. There are different things you can journal about. For instance, you can write about your day as a way to keep your memories allowing you to release all the thoughts crossing your mind.


You could also create a gratitude journal where you write three things for which you're grateful; this helps keep a positive attitude about your life. Alternatively, you can write about your worries and the actions you plan to take to resolve them. If you’ve written about work or school, this is the last time of the day you should be thinking about it. Drop it after journaling and truly relax.


Take A Hot Bath
Increasing your body temperature relaxes your muscles. That’s why many spas require you to sit in a sauna before a massage.


Taking a bath will release some tension in your muscles and get you on the path to better sleep. You can also achieve deep sleep by dropping your body temperature when you actually go to bed. As a result, taking a hot bath before bedtime will help you drop some degrees since you’ll cool off when you get out of the tub. A hot shower will also get the job done, but it definitely isn’t as relaxing as a bath.


Turn Off The Electronics And Read
Many say successful people always read before bed. It’s a relaxing activity, but only if you avoid reading from a screen. Why? Electronics tend to stimulate your brain and don’t help relax your mind for bed.


Use a paper book or a magazine to get lost in whatever you fancy. You can combine this with the previous step for a relaxing bathtub experience.


If you aren’t used to meditating, open Spotify and play a Yoga and Meditation playlist while you envision a peaceful waterfall, stream or ocean. If you are a pro, clear your mind and focus on your breathing.


Meditation can help release the tension in your body and prepare you for a relaxing slumber. It doesn’t have to be long, a five to ten minute window will do fine.


Create A Comfortable Bedroom Environment
Being comfortable is essential for continuous and deep sleep. That's why it's important that you have a quality mattress, plush pillows, and quality bedding like Bedtime Classics collection. Otherwise, you’ll find yourself tossing and turning throughout the night.


If your bed is too springy or hard, your muscles and bones may start to ache and this will ruin your chances of getting quality rest. Also make the room dark and quiet to allow your body to release serotonin and keep you sleeping well through the night.


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